1. Sonia Kashuk crease blush (the one with the white handle)

i love love love this brush...it is my HG crease brush...it blends all my eyeshadows in my crease and even on my lid...and for 9.99 it's a deal compared to other more expensive brushes
2. CVS Essence of Beauty Crease Duo Brushes
I love these brushes...the are awesome...the little one is perfect for lining the bottom lid and doing a precise outer v...the larger one is perfect for blending out the outer v...i definitely recommend them!
3. Loew-Cornell American Painter 4000 Series

i like this brush for lining my eyes with gel liner...i usually use this with my mac blacktrack fluidline...it creates a thin line and is pretty steady...which is good for me because i have the tendency to make my lines thicker than i want lol
4. Studio 35 Mineral brush set

i just bought these from walgreens for about 10 bucks...awesome brushes! The skunk brush or dual fiber brush is perfect for foundation and cream blushes and even powder blushes...the bristles are very dense and pick up just enough color that you don't end up with a big blob of color on your cheek
the eyeshadow brush (the middle brush) is also a perfect brush for the larger creases...its a little large for small eyes...it does pick up color because the bristles are so dense and packs it onto the lid...like i said perfect for larger eyes...little eyes might just want to use it for the lid only or as a highlighter
the third brush is the concealer brush...its good for pretty much any type of concealer cream or mineral...i use my bare minerals concealer more...this one i use for applying primer on people's faces...i have two of them so i really don't have a specific use for it...its very soft and feels nice on your skin
5. MAC 239

pretty much the only brush i'll spend 25 bucks on lol...its so worth the money though...i have two of these...the regular long handle one and the short handle one from holiday 2008 collection...i think the long handle one is a little bit softer but for the most part they both do their job well...the bristles are so densely packed that they pick up a lot of color in one shot...i think its safe to say that these are popular among all us makeup fanatics :)
6. CVS Essence of Beauty Blender Brush

this brush is like God's gift to mineral makeup...it works so well with my Bare Minerals foundation...its soft packed bristles pick up color and blends it perfectly on my face...i usually apply in swirling motions and it evenly distributes the color...i made the mistake of using it with liquid foundation(its not a skunk!) and ruined it so i bought another one...it lost some bristles when i cleaned it but for the most part it has held up perfectly
7. Loew Cornell Maxine's Mop brush

this is the cheap version of the MAC 239 brush...i bought it at AC Moore for like 3 bucks...its almost a perfect replica for the 239 except its not as soft...i really have no complaints about this brush at all...applies well and has held up well...i def recommend it as an alternative to the 239 if you're on a budget
8. EBAY BRUSH from bunbuncity

this brush looks a hot mess i know...i bought it when i first started getting into makeup and didn't take care of my brushes well lol...it came in a set with a bunch of other brushes from ebay for like 20 bucks...it was soft when i first purchased it but has roughened up along the months lol...i use it to apply my paint pots...thats about the only thing i use it for...it applies creams well and when its not jabbin me in the eye...its perfect for my painterly PP....LOL
9. Target Dual Fiber Brush aka the famous skunk brush

so my cheap ass has not justified a reason to spend $42 dollars on the MAC 187 brush...instead i bought this gem for 6.99 at Target...and i have not regretted it one bit...this is the only way in my opinion to apply liquid foundation...i have tried sponges...fingers...an unfortunate usage of the blender brush (as mentioned above) and nothing...NOTHING...gives me that airbrushed flawless brush like this one...
i can't speak for the 187 brush because i have yet to use it but i can say that this is a great cheaper alternative...i have cleaned them a couple times already and have not lost one bristle
its very easy to use this brush...i simply apply a small amount of foundation to the brush (that's all you need) and dab it on my face with little dots (called stippling)...then i just swish it around my face in circular motions till my foundation is even...its the perfect liquid foundation, cream blush, cream foundation, powder foundation brush you will ever find!!
well everyone...thanks for listening to my blabbing...just wrote this to give you guys some ideas for brushes just in case you're looking to find some inexpensive alternatives for these ridiculously priced brushes....i should be receiving my elf studio "c" brush soon and my sigma brushes...i will def post a reviw...
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